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    Өнеркәсіп жаңалықтары

    Стандартты газ стандартты күйі

    A standard gas is a state of matter. Gas, like liquid, is a fluid: it can flow and deform. Unlike liquids, gases can be compressed. If there are no restrictions (containers or force fields), gases can diffuse without being limited in volume. The atoms or molecules of standard gaseous substances can move freely with each other. The kinetic energy of atoms or molecules in gaseous substances is relatively high. 

    Standard gases can be divided into actual gases and ideal gases. A standard gas ideal gas is assumed to have no interaction forces between gas molecules, and gas molecules themselves have no volume. When the actual gas pressure is not high, the average distance between molecules is large, and the volume of gas molecules themselves can be ignored, and the temperature is not low, resulting in a larger average kinetic energy of molecules. The attraction between molecules can be ignored in comparison, and the behavior of actual gas is very similar to that of an ideal gas, which can be treated as an ideal gas. But it should not be forgotten that there are differences between actual gases and ideal gases, and the conclusions obtained from discussing ideal gases only apply to actual gases with low pressure and temperature. Wuhan ISOTOPE Technology Co., Ltd. Service Line: 17371457003